Can You Hunt Elk From A Ground Blind?

Fact checked by Steven Lines, lifelong Hunter, and OutdoorsmanOpens in a new tab..

There are multiple ways that you can hunt. Some people prefer to stalk; others like to wait for the animals to come to them. If you are in the latter group, you are likely familiar with a ground blind. But this raises an important question. Will you be able to use this device when you are hunting for elk? 

A hunting blind can be a great tool when you are hunting for elk. They conceal your position and ensure you don’t need to sit in the rain or snow while you wait for elk to appear. As long as you get a good position, you should be able to get a clean shot at one of these animals from a ground blind. 

A ground blind can be an effective hunting tool. It will depend on the way you are using it. Keep reading to learn some of the ways to get the most of your ground blind. 

Can You Hunt Elk From a Ground Blind

Pros and Cons of Using a Ground Blind

No hunting method is perfect. Taking a critical look at the benefits and drawbacks of ground blinds will help you decide if this is the right approach for you. 


Let’s start by looking at some of the advantages of hunting from a ground blind. First, a ground blind will be relatively spacious, especially when compared with a tree stand. You will be able to move around freely. You’ll also have plenty of space for your equipment. You can even bring in a chair, so you can hunt in relative comfort. Plus, you will be able to have multiple hunters in the blind, so you have someone to talk to as you wait for the bulls to appear. 

They can offer a little more protection from the elements. This is especially important when the weather turns bad. No one likes sitting outside in the rain. 

The ground blinds are a good way of concealing your movements. When done right, the elk will feel comfortable moving through areas that have blinds. There are even hunters who report bulls using the ground blind as a rubbing post. As they won’t be able to spot you, you will have more time to aim. This gives you the best chance of killing an elk. 

There are a few other advantages that a ground blind can provide: 

  • Easy to get set up. Most ground blinds will be fairly light. Because of this, you shouldn’t have any problems transporting it along the trail and getting it set up in the right place. 
  • Commercially available. There is no need to build your ground blind. You can just pop into your local hunting store and pick one up. 


Of course, nothing is perfect. There are a few problems that you might find with a ground blind. The first thing is that you might have trouble concealing your scent. If the elk suspects that there is a human in the area, they will often flee. The good news is that this is something that manufacturers have started to place a greater focus on. 

The way you set up the blind will also affect the amount of scent you are putting out. For example, you should make sure that you pick a location that is downwind. You can also try closing some of the windows. We’ll discuss ways to keep out of sight later.  

Another common problem is that the way that the blind has been set up means that you will end up with some blind spots. Even though the elk might be coming close to your blind, you might not be able to get a clear shot at them. This can understandably leave a lot of hunters feeling frustrated.  

Often, the ground blind is compared to a tree stand. The stand will often give you a better view of the hunting ground. You can see the elk as they approach from a distance. 

Here are some of the other potential downsides to using a ground blindOpens in a new tab.

  • Ground blinds won’t conceal noise. Because of this, you will still need to be careful about the types of things you are doing inside the blinds. 
  • You will need to replace them. The ground blind won’t last forever. Because of this, you will need to replace them every few years.
  • You’ll need multiple blinds. The type of blind you use will depend on the surrounding environment. For example, some will be designed to blend into rocky landscapes, others will be built for grass or forests. 

Finding a Good Ground Blind For Elk Hunting

The first thing you need to do is find a good blind for your hunt. As you will be spending a lot of time in the blind, you should make sure you are making a considered purchase. Here are some of the elements that you should considerOpens in a new tab.:

  • Size. This will depend on your hunting needs. If you want to go hunting alone, you will be able to get away with a fairly small blind. But if you plan on going hunting with a group, you’ll want something that has a little more space. 
  • Color. The ideal color will depend on the environment that you are planning to hunt in. You want to get something that will match your surroundings. 
  • Weight. Don’t forget that you have to carry the blind into the hunting ground. You don’t want something that will end up weighing you down. 
  • Type of weapon you are using. When you are using a bow, you might need enough space to stand up and fire your bow. If you are hunting with a gun, you might be able to shoot from a chair. But, because of the power required to shoot an elk, you will likely still need to stand up to deal with the recoil. 
  • Cost. There are lots of cheap ground blinds on the market. But it’s usually best to spend a little more to make sure that you are getting a high-quality blind. 
  • Material. Finally, it’s a good idea to make sure that you are getting a blind that is made from durable material. This ensures that it will last for a long time and will be waterproofed. 

Where to Position the Ground Blind

If you are planning on using a ground blind for hunting for elk, you’ll need to be selective about where you are putting it. Often, this will be one of the most important elements that will determine how successful your hunt will be. 

One of the most important things to consider is where the elk will be. This ensures that there is a high probability of sighting them. There are a few popular areas you should consider: 

  • Near watering holes
  • In areas that are used for grazing
  • Near places where they are most active at night.

Picking the right place to put your ground blind will require you to put your hunting knowledge to the test. There are a few ways that you can find an active elk populationOpens in a new tab.; these methods include: 

  • Find fresh signs of activity. You should be looking for things like scat and signs of rubbing on trees. The age of these can tell you how far away the population is. 
  • Use an elk call. Using a bugle call can be a good way of finding where the bull population where they are most active at night.
  • Look at the map. You will need to be looking for things like water supplies and places of abundant food. This tells you what landmark the elk will be attracted to. 
  • Use trail cameras. These can give you lots of useful information about the elk population in your local area. You will know the size of the population and can track their movements. 
  • Change spots. Sometimes, you can get a blind set up, only for nothing to happen all weekend. While this is frustrating, it will occur. 

Once you know the area where you want to set up the blind, it’s time to go into placement specifics. First, you’ll need to think about the direction the wind is blowing from. You want to position your blind downwind. This helps suppress your scent, so the powerful elk nose won’t be able to detect it. 

It’s best to pick an area where you will be able to blend into the background. Ideally, the elk should overlook your presence. Because of this, you will need to pick an area that will be out of the sunlight. Some hunters like to use local vegetation over the top of the blind; this disguises their location.

Lastly, you should consider the topography of the local area. You should pick a location that gives you a good view of the surrounding area, so you can monitor the elk as they are approaching. 

Getting Your Ground Blind Set Up

Once you have picked a spot and assembled your ground blind, it’s time to get the interior set up. First, you should lay a blanket or tarp at the base of the blind. This is a good way of reducing the amount of noise you make when you are moving around the blind. You should also clear away any leaves or snow to reduce the crunching noise. 

Next, you need to make sure that you have a chair or stool. You might be sitting in the blind for a while, so you want to make sure that you are comfortable. Depending on the weather conditions, you might need a heater to keep you warm. 

The next thing you need to add is your weapon. This should be close enough so that you can grab it if you are presented with an opportunity. Here are some of the other things that you should have together: 

  • Binoculars and rangefinder. These are a good way of monitoring the progress of the elk and finding the best time to take your shot. 
  • Headlight. Once the blind is assembled, it will be dark inside. You will need to use a headlight to find what you are looking for. Ideally, it should have the red-light function. This helps keep your position concealed. 
  • Book/cards/headphones. It might be hours before the elk arrive and you can take your shot. It’s a good idea to pack something to occupy your mind in the meantime. 

While hunting in a blind allows you to take more equipment than hunting from a tree stand or stalking, it’s still best to pack light. The last thing you want is for the blind to become cluttered. It’s also best to keep an organized system inside the blind so you don’t end up tripping over things when it comes time to take the shot. 

Tips for Hunting Elk From a Ground Blind

Hopefully, you have a better idea of how you can use a ground blind when you are hunting for elk. But there are a few other tips that you might want to incorporate. These include: 

  • Use face paint. This will help you blend into your surroundings, making it very difficult for the elk to spot you. 
  • Limit your movement. Elk will be primed to spot movement. Once they are in the area, you need to make sure that you move slowly and calmly. 
  • Try shoot-through netting. Using a powerful rifle will generate a large hole in the netting. These can be replaced after the hunt. The gaping black hole might scare the elk. 
  • Build the blind in advance. Elk will be sensitive to any changes in their environment. Because of this, you should build the blind in advance. This allows them to get used to its presence, feeling comfortable when they are around it. 
  • Get to your gun quickly. You never know where the elk are going to come from. Because of this, you need to have your gun close at hand, so you can take the shot whenever you are ready. 

If this is going to be your first time hunting from a blind, it can take a while to get used to it. But after a few trips, you will be confident shooting from a blind. 

Maintaining the Blind

It’s important to make sure that you are taking care of the blind. This ensures that it will last for a long time. You’ll also be able to get the best performance out of the blind. Here are some of the maintenance tasks that you should be doing: 

  • Air out the blind. By airing it out, you will be able to remove any stale air. You will need to leave it open for around two to three weeks. You should do this when you first purchase the tent. You’ll also need to do it if you had been storing the tent for an extended period. 
  • Sweep the interior. During the season, it’s common to trek dirt and mud into the blind. To stop it from getting too messy, you should do some sweeping. You can even use a portable vacuum cleaner. 
  • Clear the roof. The front and sides of the blind can have debris around them. This is a good way of camouflaging the blind. But you shouldn’t let too many materials accumulate on the roof. This can sometimes cause drainage problems, causing water to leak into your blind. 
  • Cleaning the blind at the end of the season. Once the season is over, you need to clean out the ground blind, thoroughly. There are a few steps to this process. First, you will need to use a soft cloth and some soapy water to get rid of any stains in the material. When it is dry, you will be able to disassemble it and place it into storage. 

Because it is out in the elements, you can expect a few minor scratches and tears in the fabric. This doesn’t have to spell the end of the blind. According to experienced hunters, there are a few ways that you can fix these problems. The most common option is to use a repair kit. This should be available in most camping stores. 

This contains a few important elements. First, there is a needle and thread. If it is a minor tear, a few stitches should help solve the problem. If it was a serious tear, you could use thick sticky tape. This will form a waterproof layer. On the outside of the blind, you can use some camouflage tape to hide these repairs. 

Over time, though, the damage will start to take its toll. Because of this, you might need to throw away your blind and get a new one. How long the blind will last will depend. You should avoid putting it under a tree, where the limbs can fall on it. Generally, though, a blind can last for three to five years. 

Final Thoughts

Barronett Blinds Ox 4 Backwoods Camo Heavy Duty Pop Up Ground Hunting Blind Opens in a new tab.
  • Durable OxHide 2-layer fabric
  • Silent and fully-adjustable panoramic shooting windows
  • Durable framework with 10mm fiberglass poles and lightweight die-cast aluminum hubs

Last update on 2025-03-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Many hunters swear by the use of a blind. It allows you to sit back and let the elk come to you. But you need to consider the way you set it up. It needs to be put into the right place, and the animals need to be given a little time to get used to the blind. If you can do this, you can enjoy shooting elk from a ground blind.  

Steven Lines hunter pic 1

Steven Lines is a hunter and outdoorsman from Safford, Arizona, USA. Since he was a child, he has been hunting and fishing and has over 20 years of outdoor experience. Steven works as a hunting guide in Arizona during his spare time and runs a Youtube channelOpens in a new tab. dedicated to sharing his outdoor adventures with others.


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