Can You Hunt Elk From A Tree Stand?

Fact checked by Steven Lines, lifelong Hunter, and OutdoorsmanOpens in a new tab..

Tree stands are a popular option when hunting for deer. But what about when you are hunting for larger species, like elk. Will using a treestand still be an effective technique?

You will be able to hunt elk from a tree stand successfully. All you need to do is make sure that you put the stand in the right place. Close to feeding areas or watering holes are the best bets if you want to see elk activity. 

The tree stand can be an effective way of delivering a kill shot on an elk. However, you still need to ensure that they are set up and utilized correctly. Keep reading to learn some of the best tips for using a tree stand.

Can You Hunt Elk From A Tree Stand

Pros and Cons of Using a Tree Stand For Elk Hunting

A tree stand is one of the most popular ways of harvesting elk. But that doesn’t mean that it will be perfect. There are pros and cons to using this approach. Let’s look at all aspects of this issue, so you can decide if a tree stand is a suitable choice for you. 

Advantages of Using a Tree Stand

One of the biggest reasons why people use a tree stand is because of the enhanced visibility. You will be able to see the elk approaching from a distance. This gives you more notice, so you have more time to prepare your shot and get a kill. 

Another benefit is the height helps keep the elk from detecting your presence. You will be out of the direct line of sight. Plus, it will make your scent harder for them to pick up. Because of this, there is less chance that you will spook the animal. This can be a common concern for those hunting from a ground blind or stalking. 

Thirdly, hunting from a tree stand might be the safest option. Because of your elevated height, you will be firing down towards the ground. If you miss the shot, this limits the risk, as you’ll just be hitting the dirt. This can be compared to shooting on the flat, where the bullet will travel for longer, increasing the risk that you will hit another hunter. 

Here are some of the other advantages of using a tree standOpens in a new tab. when elk hunting: 

  • Faster bullet speed. Because you are shooting from a downward angle, the bullet will be able to pick up more speed. This, in turn, means that it will hit the target with more force increasing the chances of getting a kill shot. 
  • Makes the hunter more visible. During elk hunting season, there is a risk that the hunter can be hit by a stray bullet. A tree stand reduces the risk that this will occur. You will be able to wear hunter’s orange, without the risk of the animal seeing you. 
  • Moveability. Depending on the tree stand you are using, it will be easy to pick it up and move it to another location. This ensures that you don’t need to risk it being stolen and you can change your hunting grounds easily. 

Downsides of Using a Tree Stand

While a tree stand has plenty of benefits, it isn’t perfect. There are a few disadvantages to using one. Perhaps the biggest is the lack of protection from the elements. You won’t be able to block the wind or rain. If you are hunting during bad weather days, this can turn into a nightmare situation. 

Another major problem is making sure that the stand has been set up safely. You will often need to find a way of tying yourself into the tree with a harness, so you don’t need to risk falling. There is a high risk that you will be seriously injured if you do. There are horror stories of hunters who have been left disabled after a spinal injury received after falling from the stand. 

Thirdly, these stands can sometimes limit your visibility. In most cases, you will not be able to shift around to see the elk if they come in from the wrong angle. This is why getting the right placement for your stand is so important. 

There are a few other downsides that you will need to considerOpens in a new tab.. These include: 

  • Weight of the stand. Even if you get a portable stand, it can still be a bit heavy. Carrying this from one location to the other can be a challenge, particularly if you are walking along snowy or muddy tracks. 
  • Stands can get uncomfortable. Unlike a hunting blind, there isn’t a lot of space for you to move around in a tree stand. This can sometimes cause some problems, especially as it might be hours before the elk arrive. This increases the chances that you will get sleepy. Dozing off in a tree stand can be a very dangerous situation. 
  • Aiming downward can take a lot of skill. This is a unique shooting style. You will need to put in more time on the range to make sure that you can hit the shots properly. 
  • Getting into the stand can be dangerous. Most of the problems occur when a hunter is trying to get into and out of the stand, as the heavy weight of their kit increases the chance of a slip-up. 
  • Tree stands can be noisy. Sometimes, setting up the tree stand can be loud. This can result in scaring away the animals in the surrounding areas or alerting the elk to your presence. 

Choosing a Tree Stand For Elk Hunting

If you are planning on using a tree stand when you are hunting, it’s important to make sure that you are choosing the right one. Here are some of the things you should be looking for. 

Type of Tree Stands

There are multiple types of tree standsOpens in a new tab. for you to choose from, each with its own sets of pros and cons. Here is a brief introduction to each of the options: 

  • Climbing stand. This comes in two portions. You lock the lower platform onto the tree, then move the seat up. Next, you lock the seat into position and raise the platform. There is no need for any ladders. This reduces the risk associated with the stand, as you won’t be climbing up and down into it. But these can be quite loud when being assembled and can be bulky to transport into position. 
  • Ladder stand. This is one of the most common options when hunting. This is a ladder attached to a platform. The ladder is designed to but against the tree. It will be strapped into place. Ropes or ratchet straps can be used to do this. Because they have ladder rungs, these will be easy to get up and down. They are also better suited for a long-term stand. But they are bulky to transport. If used in a public area, there is a risk that other hunters will use your stand, using your hard work to bag an elk or scaring the herd out of the area. 
  • Painter’s seat stands. This is a chair that is strapped to the tree. The hunter, in turn, can be strapped into the chair. This ensures that they won’t fall, even if they fall asleep. You will get up and down into the stand using a ladder. 

It can help to think about the way you plan to use the stand. Do you plan to use it for a day trip, or are you looking for something that will be able to last for a whole hunting season? How much equipment do you want to carry? 

Other Tips to Find the Right Stand

You need to consider a few other things when deciding what type of stand you want to use. First, you’ll have to consider the size and weight. As we mentioned, you don’t want to be carting a heavy stand through the woods to get it into position for hunting elk. It would help if you also thought about how big the stand is. You don’t need a lot of space. But you do need enough to hold yourself and your equipment. 

Remember that you could be sitting in your stand for a long time, so it’s a good idea to pick something that will be comfortable. You might also want to get an umbrella for your stand. This will keep the rain and snow off you when faced with bad weather. 

Lastly, you want to get a high-quality tree stand. This ensures that it will last for a long time. The last thing you want is for the tree stand to come off the tree while you are sitting in it. Try to pick something that comes with a good warranty period. 

Where to Put the Tree Stand

The most important part of using a tree stand is being able to find the right place to put it. You can have the best tree stand in the world, but if there aren’t any elk in the area, there is no point in using it. Here are some of the things you need to consider using a tree stand. 

Picking a Spot that the Elk Will Be

The first thing you need to do is find where the elk will be. This will require a little insight into the elk mindset and some understanding of the surrounding terrain. Here are some of the things you should be looking for: 

  • Feeding areas
  • Watering holes
  • Places where elk might like to bed down

There are some ways that you can track an elk population. Here are some of the tell-tale signs you should be looking for: 

  • Signs of activity. There are a few tell-tale signs that there is an elk population in the area. Look for things like fresh scat or signs of rubbing on trees. You can also see if there are any tracks left in the mud. 
  • Use trail cameras. These will give you more insight into the size of the population. 
  • Listen for bugles. A call will tell you how far away the elk are. You can also use this to attract them into your area when you are ready to start hunting. 
  • Hunt during morning and dusk. These are the times when the elk will be the most active. During the day, they will tend to rut down, making them harder to find. As they aren’t moving around, it will be almost impossible to hunt them from a tree stand. The only exception to this is on an overcast day. The low light levels might convince them to move around a little more. 
  • Expect frequent activity around a watering hole. Most of the time, the elk won’t move around during the day. The exception to this is if you have positioned yourself close by a watering hole. You can expect the elk to come and cool off during the summer months. 

Even with these tips in mind, finding the perfect location for a tree stand will be difficult. There is never any guarantee that the pack will come past. If you aren’t getting good results in one location, don’t be afraid to move to a different location. 

Finding the Right Tree For the Stand

Once you have a general area, it’s time to turn to specific locations. You’ll have to pick the right tree to house your stand. Here are some of the things you should be looking forOpens in a new tab.

  • Pick a living tree. Even though a dead tree might look sturdy, it won’t have a strong root system. This means that there is a risk that it will come loose and topple out of the earth. 
  • Look at the diameter. Most manufacturers will have a minimum size requirement. In most cases, the tree will need to be at least ten inches wide. 
  • Get something that is fairly straight. If there are any bends or forks in the tree it will be difficult to get the stand hoisted up and attached properly. 
  • Think about the tree species. This can give you an insight into how deep the root system will be. This is why you should try to avoid common trees, like pine, as the root system might only be three feet deep. 
  • Err on the side of caution. Sometimes, you will have doubts about a particular tree. If you aren’t certain about it, move on to the next candidate. 
  • Get some cover. Finally, if possible, you should pick a tree that offers you some branches for cover. This ensures that the elk won’t be able to spot you. 
  • Go to the side of the trail. Just because you are high in the area doesn’t mean that it will be impossible for the elk to smell you. You should always check where the wind is coming from. It’s also a good idea to put the stand a small distance from the hunting area. 

Once you have the right tree, all you need to do is assemble the tree stand. Check that it is secure before you climb up into the stand. 

Other Tips When Elk Hunting From a Tree Stand

Hopefully, you now have the basics needed to pick a stand and get everything set up for the hunt. Now let’s look at some of the specific ways you can land an elk from this position. 

The first thing you need to do is visualize the way that the elk will be coming into the area. This will often depend on the natural features. Sometimes, there will be an established game trail that they are likely to use. There will be thick brush, water, or a manufactured obstacle that will limit their movements at other times. If you know where they will be coming from, you can prepare yourself to take the shot. 

Here are some of the other things you should keep in mind: 

  • Get into the stand early. Getting into the stand can often make a lot of noise. This can scare away the elk. Because of this, you need to do this before the elk are moving around. It’s often best to do this early in the morning.
  • Keep your weapon close at hand. If the elk do arrive, you don’t want to be fumbling around. Mount the weapon on the tree next to you. When the shot comes, you will be prepared to take it. 
  • Have sunglasses. Since you are at a height, the glare from the sun can prove to be a common problem. A good pair of glasses will solve this issue. 
  • Mark the location of the stand. You might be surprised at the number of hunters who have forgotten where they put their stand. It’s also a good idea to keep records about which stand delivered the best results. 

Final Thoughts

Summit Treestands Goliath SD Climbing Treestand, Mossy Oak Opens in a new tab.
  • Comfort-engineered climber that is a favorite for larger-framed hunters or those looking for extra room
  • Includes the same design features found in standard Viper SD
  • Has a higher maximum weight limit of 350 pounds

Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Tree stands are one of the most effective tools you can use when hunting. It will get you off the ground and out of the eye-line of the elk. Plus, your scent will be concealed. Hopefully, you now have a better idea of how you can use this tool effectively to land an elk. 

Steven Lines hunter pic 1

Steven Lines is a hunter and outdoorsman from Safford, Arizona, USA. Since he was a child, he has been hunting and fishing and has over 20 years of outdoor experience. Steven works as a hunting guide in Arizona during his spare time and runs a Youtube channelOpens in a new tab. dedicated to sharing his outdoor adventures with others.


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