Fact checked by Steven Lines, lifelong Hunter, and Outdoorsman.
Elk are one of the most popular species to hunt. These can be a great way to test your skills and give you a chance to put an impressive trophy on your wall. A range of weapons can be used to hunt elk. This includes bows and rifles. But will you be able to use a crossbow?
Most states, except for Oregon, will allow you to use a crossbow. However, there might be some restrictions. For example, some will only allow this for disabled hunters. Depending on the state, you might only be allowed to use it during certain hunting times.
A crossbow can be a very powerful weapon, making it a popular choice for hunters. Keep reading to learn more about how to use it when hunting for elk.

In this post, we'll cover:
Which States Allow Crossbow Hunting
The first thing to consider is whether it will be legal for you to use a crossbow. The rules that you will need to follow will depend on the state where you will be hunting. It’s a good idea to check them before you head out. This is an easy way to avoid a fine.
States Where Crossbow Hunting is Allowed
Most states will permit you to use a crossbow, though there might be a few conditions that you need to meet first. For example, you might only be able to use it during firearm season. In the following, you will be able to use a crossbow in some capacity:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California-For those unable to use a bow
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida-On private land only
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine-Though you need to have completed a crossbow hunting course first
- Maryland
- Massachusetts- For disabled people, only
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada-During “Any Weapon Legal” hunts
- New Hampshire-As long as you have a crossbow permit
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota-Only available for disabled hunters
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota-Only for disabled hunters
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington-For those with a disability
- West Virginia-Though it can’t be used in all districts
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Currently, the only state where crossbows are expressly banned in Oregon. This could be subject to change in the future, with lawmakers have indicated that they are willing to consider this proposal. But, for now, it remains outlawed. Furthermore, New York and Pennsylvania only allow these weapons when hunting for deer and bears. Because of this, you won’t be able to use it for hunting for elk.
Other Regulations to Consider
While you might be allowed to use a crossbow, there are other restrictions that you will need to consider. For example, some states might set a minimum draw weight. It’s also common to require mechanical safety. Alternatively, there might be some things that you won’t be allowed to use. As an example, Washington doesn’t allow the use of a retractable broadhead.
Furthermore, some states will require you to get a license or only allow crossbows during certain hunts. Because of this, you should make sure that you read all the regulations in your state. As they can be updated frequently, it’s a good idea to do this at the start of each hunting season.
Legal Requirements of Owning a Crossbow
In the United States, anyone over 18 will be able to purchase a crossbow. But you will need to have a minimum draw weight of 75 pounds. However, you often won’t need to get a permit to own one. If you plan to use one during the hunting season, you might be required to get a hunting permit to use it. This will depend on the rules that your state has imposed.
Transporting a Crossbow
Finally, once you have learned the rules associated with a crossbow, you will almost be ready to go hunting. But first, you’ll need to get the crossbow to the hunting site. But there are strict rules that will apply to the way that you transport it.
Most states will require you to keep the crossbow in a case during the entire journey. This ensures that it doesn’t accidentally get triggered. Plus, it will prevent the expensive crossbow from getting damaged on the ride. Sometimes, you might need to leave your crossbow uncocked during the journey. This will depend on your state’s laws.
How to Find a Good Crossbow for an Elk Hunt?
When purchasing a crossbow for an elk hunt, there are a few things to consider. These include the draw weight, which is the amount of power you can put behind the shot. You’ll also need to make sure that you have the right arrows and a good sight.
Now it’s time to turn our attention to the practicalities of hunting elk with a crossbow. How successful the hunt is will depend on the way that you have set up the crossbow. First, you’ll need to select your crossbow. There are plenty of factors to consider; these include:
- Weight. Ideally, you should get something light, and this will make it easy to carry.
- Warranty and brand reputation. It’s a good idea to purchase from an organization that has earned a reputation for producing quality crossbows. The warranty will ensure that you can get any issues fixed.
- Draw weight. This is the amount of force you can put behind each shot. As we mentioned, it’s common for states to specify a minimum draw weight. They might also specify a maximum draw weight.
- Accessories. Occasionally, you will want to add an accessory to your crossbow. For example, most hunters like to use a magnified sight. Check with the regulations in your state to make sure that you aren’t breaking any rules by using them.
If you aren’t sure about the right crossbow to choose from, it can be a good idea to consult with other local hunters or use online forums. They will be able to help you compare your choices to find the right weapon for you.
Once you have found a good crossbow, you will need to choose the right arrow. As you are doing this, it’s important to consider the type of game you will be facing. Since you will be hunting for elk, you will need to choose a heavier broadhead. This will ensure that it penetrates deeply into the animal, doing a lot of damage and giving you the best chance of killing it.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can use an expandable broadhead. This will do more damage when it penetrates. Furthermore, it will leave a larger blood trail, making it easier to track the elk. However, some states won’t allow you to use this type of arrow with a crossbow.
Make sure to pair the arrows to your draw strength. Too much power, and the arrows will be wiggling in flight. Not enough, and you won’t be able to get enough distance or power to penetrate the tough skin of the elk.
Finally, you want to make sure that you are using a good sight. This will give you the best chance of hitting the target. Often, the crossbow will come with a sight. However, you might prefer to add your own. These are some of the things to consider when choosing a sight:
- Weight. You don’t want anything too heavy; this could affect the balance of the crossbow.
- Materials. This will determine how durable the sight will be.
- Magnification. How magnified you want the scope to be will depend on your hunting style.
As you are setting up your crossbow, think about the conditions where you will be using it. For example, those who hunt from a tree stand will usually need a different set-up from those who are planning on stalking their elk.
Tips For Using a Crossbow to Hunt For Elk
Hunting for elk with a crossbow can be a challenge. But, as long as you know a few simple tips, you should be able to bring home a prize bull.
Practice With the Crossbow
One of the most important things that any hunter can do is take some time to practice. Get to know the crossbow and how it works. Take plenty of practice shots. This will allow you to get your aim dialed in. It will also let you see how the arrows will fly. You’ll also want to practice your stance, making it easier to deal with the recoil.
Make sure that you are practicing in a range of conditions. Practice shooting in the woods and at targets across a meadow. After all, you never know when you are going to get a shot at a big bull.
Stalking With a Crossbow
Some hunters will prefer to get a good location and set up a tree stand. Then, you can wait for the elk to come to you. From there, you will be able to take your best shot.
However, many people prefer to stalk the elk. This can have its advantages. You will be able to move to get into a better position actively. This will give you the best odds of harvesting an elk.
However, the key to any good stalking style is the ability to be quiet. The elk have good hearing, and they will be able to sense when a hunter is approaching. Because of this, you should try to avoid stepping on twigs that could snap and give away your position. It’s also essential that you move slowly. You can use trees and other foliage for cover.
Many hunters prefer to mimic cow calls. This can be a great way of getting elk to move into the area. You need to make sure that you are blowing too hard, making the call sound unnatural. Often, it will be best to have a friend with you. They will be able to make the calls. This ensures that you don’t need to juggle a call and a loaded crossbow.
When the elk are close, you should freeze, making only small movements. Wait for them to give you a good shot. Only fire when you are comfortable. A crossbow can be quite loud, giving away your position and scaring the elk from the area.
Get Close to the Elk
One of the most important elements of any hunt is patience. You will need to wait until the elk is in the right position before you take the shot. Remember, it’s often best to shoot for the heart. When done correctly, this will be fatal. Even if you miss, it will be enough damage to give you a prominent blood trail to track.
Crossbows are capable of firing for over 500 yards. However, when you are hunting, it’s best to focus on a closer target. This ensures that you don’t miss. How far away the elk should be will depend on your crossbow and your level of skill. Generally, you should aim for:
- 80 yards. This is possible for a skilled hunter,
- 35 yards. If this is your first hunt, this is a good distance to aim for. It should be easy to land a good shot from this distance.
Using a Rest
Many hunters, even those using a tree stand, will want to use a rest. This is because a crossbow can be heavy. Using a rest will allow you to take some of this weight. Plus, it will make it easier to aim accurately. There are a few types of rests that you can use. For example, you might prefer to use a monopod or a tripod.
When choosing the type of rest you are using, think about the type of hunting you are doing. For example, if you are stalking the elk, you will need something that will light. You’ll also need something that can be assembled quickly.
Staying Safe
A crossbow can be a hugely powerful weapon. It will be able to generate enough power to kill an elk. This also means that, if mishandled, it has the potential to hurt you seriously. Thankfully, there are a few simple tips that you can use to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you.
First, you should leave it unloaded as you are walking to camp. Only load it when you are in position and are ready to take the shot. If you need to move quickly, like when climbing into a tree stand, you need to remove the arrow.
Like a traditional bow, you should never dry-fire a crossbow. The excess energy will vibrate through the bow. Because of this, there is a chance that it can explode when you fire it at a target. As you can imagine, this can do a lot of damage.
If you are hunting with a friend, be aware of where they are. Try to have them positioned behind or next to you. You don’t want them to be downrange when you fire.
Lastly, you should make sure to inspect the crossbow before you go hunting. For example, you will need to check the strings. Make sure that it isn’t fraying. Before hunting, check the site and make sure that it is lined up properly.
Final Thoughts
When you are hunting, a crossbow can be the ideal tool. It will be very powerful, allowing the bolt to pierce through the flesh of the elk for a fatal shot. The good news is that you can use it in most states except Oregon. You need to check the regulations before you start. Some will only allow it at certain times or by certain hunters. But, as long as you follow these rules, you should be able to land elk using a crossbow.

Steven Lines is a hunter and outdoorsman from Safford, Arizona, USA. Since he was a child, he has been hunting and fishing and has over 20 years of outdoor experience. Steven works as a hunting guide in Arizona during his spare time and runs a Youtube channel dedicated to sharing his outdoor adventures with others.